Why Use Computers-In-Kent?

  "for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"

I was wondering what makes good service?

Is it Passion, Commitment, Enjoyment, IT Specialism? – I find computers easy but then I am trained.

but is this enough?

NO .... for example ....

I did some work for a new customer, she rents out Holiday villas. She wants me to sort out her website. When I went to see her she already had one produced by a major competitor of mine – and it’s good!

Her problem was she did not know how to manage it. She needs to change 100’s pics and it takes forever. I explained that really the problem was one of administration. I made her a paper list of all the current pics on the website in a format she could annotate at her desk and then I would take it from there.

She was delighted – “why did no one show me I could do this before?”

The answer? .....  "E X P E R I E N C E"

I know I.T but more importantly I know people, I know office systems, I have the experience to know how to apply IT painlessly.
Not every Information Technology professional does – It’s one of my USP's

Thats why you would find working with me a lot easier than many (probably most) other IT professionals.


"for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"